Monday, April 18, 2011

Taking the first step

Well, its only the beginning and though its shaky I feel confident in that I will get the hang of this in no time.  So many times in life we may stumble or even fall. Some falls will make us cry and feel unsure of trying again. Others will make us laugh depending on the people that may be around at the time of the fall. Sometimes we'll get right up other times we may lie there and waddle for a bit; or we'll nurse the hurt that we incurred while falling. One sure thing in this is that the first step may be a whole lot of things, but the one thing it is not is the last step. God has created us to be magnificent creatures who not only try again and again, but often times come back fast, stronger, better. I look forward to the first steps to come in life and I hope you do as well. Remember, its never to late to take a first step and that so long as its looked upon positively...its okay to fall. Just get up in your own time and your own way (try not to stay down too long.) and move on.